Monday, April 13, 2020

I thought about quitting.....then I realised who was watching!

Happy bank holiday guys, I'm writing this entry as it's the anniversary of my brothers death and I always try to mark it or do something. Usually this would involve seeing my mum but as we're in lockdown, this isn't possible at the moment. So I've done a video that I sent too her to let her know I was thinking of her and my big bro today, as always!

This lockdown has really been difficult for me, I think it is for everyone! There is a constant feeling of the unknown and it's scary. Something I used to take for granted like going out for a coffee, or going to lectures, I now will appreciate more than ever when this is over.

If I was saying my mental health hasn't been affected by this I'd be lying. I assume most who don't have a mental health condition have struggled. I was managing dealing with another physical health issue related to my chronic illness, and then lockdown happened and tipped me over.

I thought about quitting, leaving this life and not been around....then I realised this is an opportunity for growth. It's an opportunity to refresh my meal plans and get to grips with the routine of eating at home, to spend my time preparing for my degree in September and also to look after myself so that when all of this is over I can spend time again with the ones I love! Opportunity for a spring clean may also arise.

I'm signing out for now, but for all of you struggling in these topsy turvey times hang on in there, the sun will shine again and we will enjoy the freedom, time with loved ones and appreciate our health a little bit more.

Thank you to any keyworkers; police, the NHS staff who are amazingly working hard at the moment, the supermarket staff, pharmacists and anyone else keeping the country running at the moment! It makes me grateful to be joining the midwifery profession when I start my degree and I'm rooting for you all at the moment.

Claire x

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I thought about quitting.....then I realised who was watching!

Happy bank holiday guys, I'm writing this entry as it's the anniversary of my brothers death and I always try to mark it or do somet...